Adorable Baby A

I love hearing from expecting Moms – there is just something about the anticipation of a little one that is very exciting!  This Mom contacted me months in advance and we began the countdown as her little girl finished growing within.  Then the day came!  Little Miss A was welcomed into this world by her loving Mom and Dad, life began to change for them in a whole new way and I received a call to firm up our date for pictures!  I couldn’t wait to meet this little lady.  I have had the privilege of taking pictures for her Mom and Dad before as well as some of their extended family, so getting to see them again was going to be fun and I considered taking pictures of their daughter to be an honor!

A was as adorable as I imagined, so sweet to hold and watch as she made her many facial expressions.  Her Mother and Grandmother came along for the session and brought lots of fun props and fabrics to work with!  A’s Grandmother was also a huge help as we took pictures, worked with natural light and kept A warm on a cold, Nov. day.  (Thanks!)

I am so happy for A’s Mom and Dad and she is super blessed to be in their family!

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