Miss R – She turned 2!

In honor of R’s 2nd birthday her family asked me about taking some pictures for them.  We visited, planned out R’s session and anticipated working together.  When the day came, it was a bit windy but we found quite a few spots which protected us from the wind.  When we were out in the open we just had the wind work in our favor – I love how this little lady’s hair blows with the wind in some of her pictures!

R fell asleep in the car on the drive to her session…of course waking up to meet someone new and seeing them with a big black camera made her understandably cautious.  We just took it slow and, gradually, she warmed up and had some fun.  I actually liked being able to capture several sides of R’s personality – reserved, cautious, branching out, having fun and enjoying herself.  It is all about capturing someone as they are and that is how she was.  🙂

We stared out in an ally as she snuggled close:

As R began to feel more comfortable she interacted a little more, though still held a comforting hand from time to time.  🙂

When I set up this little station R really seemed to enjoy herself.  Gotta love a girl and her bling!

We took these sweet shots at a nearby park as we wrapped up R’s session.

It was an honor to preserve sweet R’s 2 year-old-cuteness through photography…a special thanks to her family for asking me to take pictures for them!

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