The F Family

Going through all the images from this family’s session in preparation for this blog post, I found myself smiling and thinking about all the fun we had together!  What a great crew!  Let me tell you a little about my time with them!  🙂

As a family grows and spreads out it become harder and harder to find a time when everyone can be together.  That has been true for this family as well.  Yet, since they were going to all be together for a special event they decided to make time for family pictures – it had been a while, like double digit years since a family photo had been taken.  I think we made up for some lost time with the many clicks of my camera.

We started in a small town, rotating to a few spots I have wanted to take pictures for a while!

Although we had a second location lined up, the F family asked it we could wing it and go out to their home place…I was SO GLAD they asked!  Although I did not get to do a preview that site, the overcast day gave us great freedom to take pictures where we desired: around the house, with a family sign, in the ripening wheat, and with some farm equipment.  In fact, toward the end of our time together, it started sprinkling…the weather held just long enough for us to wrap up their session!

This little guy REALLY loves riding in the combine with his Grandpa – he did NOT want to get down (as you can see in the following picture)!

Be sure to check out the individual, couple and kiddo pictures taken during this session in the following posts or within those categories.

F Family, thanks for asking me to take pictures of you all while you were together!!  I hope you had as much fun as I did.  🙂

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