D – Senior 2014

This young lady and I have known and worked with each other for several years…I can honestly say her Senior year “snuck up” on me!  It is hard to believe she will be moving on to the next stage of life next Fall and our paths will no longer routinely cross. Needless to say, I will miss her!

Through the years D and I had talked about the possibility of me “one day” taking her Senior pictures but nothing was ever solidified.  Therefore, I was thrilled when D and her Mom officially asked me to take her Senior pictures – YEA!!  🙂  The camera loves her and the locations chosen were just perfect for what she desired!  We broke her session into two seasons: Summer and Fall, you will see both in this post.

Her Summer session was held at a Family Farm…lot of sweet memories for her around this place!

Although we had a great time during D’s Summer session, it was pretty warm and we were both parched and hot by the time we wrapped up!  (So glad I brought that bottled water!!!)  The weather for D’s Fall session ended up being just perfect!  We hit some places I love based on the look she wanted in her Fall pictures!  Just can’t go wrong with such a lovely individual!  So glad her Mom was willing to pop into a few of the Fall shots as well – sweet memories for the two of them!  🙂

I know, there are a ton of pictures…sorry!  I seem to have such a hard time narrowing down which images to share, especially when there are so many awesome pictures of such a wonderful person!

D, I am excited about all your future holds!  Praying for you as you follow God’s lead, one step at a time!

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