A – Senior 2014

I have known this young lady for quite a while and it has been a privilege to watch her “grow up”.  She is super smart, outgoing, enjoys kiddos and shares my love of photography!  🙂  When I was thinking about her session I couldn’t resist bringing along an old camera in case she would be game to use it – she was!  I love how those shots turned out!  Anyway, we started out in the pasture at her house – her “Enchanted Forest” – isn’t it pretty?

Would you have ever guessed that she had to go through this thick stuff to get to the “Enchanted Forest” or that we would have ridden in this Gator to get where we wanted to go?  What fun memories – and A handled it all with ease, even in a formal!  🙂  I, on the other hand, let out a scream when A drove straight through an evergreen tree line – and I am not a screamer!  She knew the path went straight through that area, I did not!  What a crazy time!

We stopped the Gator along the way and took the above shots in the field…love how her dog tagged along.

A’s family was a great help as we worked with her horse.  They had everything ready and waiting when we arrived at the “grove” area.  Her horse was so laid back…we had to go out of our way to get him to perk up his ears.  🙂  We definitely got some great shots of these two together in honor of the many hours and days spent with him through the years!

We stopped at this field and road (with the camera) on our way to another location.

We made our way to this bridge where A has great memories of throwing rock and sticks down into the water with family and friends.  Then we worked around a family farmstead…so many neat places to work – loved that area!

A, thanks for asking me to take your Senior pictures!  I had a great time with you (even if you made me scream!) and sure hope you are enjoying every moment of your Senior year!  🙂

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