I have found that ideas regularly come to mind for sessions. I often just write them down and wait for the right combination in which to use those ideas…the right weather, lighting, locations, people, etc…
When E contacted me about taking pictures for her family and said I could pretty much do whatever I wanted, they really didn’t have any preferences, I was super excited! Her family would perfectly fit some ideas I had waiting in the wings! When I ran them by her she was game – yea! Our families have crossed paths off and on through sports and such, but I had never really spent much time with their whole family! The day of their session changed that! I got to hang out, get to know, and have fun with each person! It was awesome!
I am going to post their family shots here and then do a separate post for the pictures of their kiddos! There is even a 6 month post of their youngest as well! (We were able to fit a lot in during their session!) The additional posts should follow this entry if you keep scrolling down. 🙂
Thank you, C Family, for entrusting me with your memories! 🙂