A – Senior 2014

A called me at the recommendation of a friend.  As we visited over the phone we began to formulate a plan for her session, one that would represent her interests, the things she has been involved with throughout high school, and capture her during this exciting time of life – her senior year!

She likes the rustic look and thought the locations I mentioned sounded just right.  So, when the day of her session came along, we connected in downtown Haddam and, after making a stop at an old farmstead, hit some of the spots around town we had talked about…I will explain more as you scroll through the pictures.  🙂

Working with A and her Mom was a true pleasure.  They came prepared with the supplies/props we had talked about and made quick changes as we worked against the setting sun!

These are from an old farmstead I really like!

Then we made our way back into Haddam and stopped at a few spots as we headed for the ball field.

I am glad there is a ball field in Haddam!  It has been a great place to take sport related pictures!  It was perfect for these shots of A in honor of the many competitive years she has spent playing the sport!

There was a location nearby where we took these few shots to represent the years A has spent enjoying dance!  She started when she was little and has thoroughly enjoyed it through the course of time!

Not only has A played softball and danced, she has also been known to hold own on the basketball court.  Thus the following shots:

I have always wished I could palm a ball like A is doing in the above picture!  Seeing it again makes me jealous!  🙂

A changed from her sport attire and came back looking lovely in this stunning, red formal!

What a great session!  So many wonderful pictures of A and the things she has enjoyed through the years!

A, thanks for asking me to take pictures for you!  You are a neat individual for whom great things are in store!

This was my view of the sunset that evening!

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