M – Senior 2014

I realize it is not a good thing to be so far behind on blogging, but I am really enjoying the reminder of how warm it was on these cold, chilly, winter days!  I hope the warmth of these pictures encourages you like it does me!  🙂

Let me introduce to you M.  I had the privilege of taking pictures for her family a few years ago and I was thrilled when the called me about taking M’s Senior pictures!  As we talked through ideas, locations and such we landed on some super special options for her!

We spent all of our time at ONE location!  Yes, all of the following pictures were taken at her Grandpa’s farm where she has spent tons of time through the years and where she has so many special memories!  We could have easily continued to take pictures…there were so many options!  Here is a bit of what we caught for her:

Isn’t M’s hair pretty?  A sweet friend of theirs came along and made sure it was looking good throughout her session – she did a great job!

Can you guess how M likes to spend her time?  Her Mom said this is often how she can be found around the house.

When she was little her Grandparents painted this swing set pink just for her.  🙂

M’s Grandmother spent a lot of time outside working in the flowerbeds when she was alive.  She painted and displayed this bike, making a perfect backdrop for some pictures.  These are some of my favorite!

A few other sweet spots around the farm.

 A special gift from M’s Grandma…she may not physically be here but she is always with them in their hearts!

We discovered this guy all fired up when we entered his corral!  While M may not be an avid horsewoman, she does enjoy interacting with this handsome guy and wanted some pictures with him.  He did settle down and joined us for a few pictures!

M’s Grandpa kindly got out his jeep and let us use it in some pictures!  It is a rather sweet ride…he even jumped into a few pictures with M!  They are quite a pair!

A few more quick snaps around the farm.

As we wrapped up M’s session I snapped a few pictures of the changing sky…so pretty!  I love seeing the day end with such amazing colors!

Congratulations on this being your Senior year, M!  Thanks for asking me to be a small part of it through taking your pictures!  I hope you are enjoying each step toward the next phase of life! J, thanks for the amazing Monster Cookies you sent home with me…they were so yummy!  (Having the recipe is an added bonus, thank you!)

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