It was so nice to meet and work with this family…extended relatives of previous clients! After visiting about what was desired in their pictures, we began to formulate a plan toward where and when to take their pictures! We landed on meeting at the Koester House Museum in Marysville, KS and then going to their home for additional pictures. After a preview of these two sites, I became very excited about all the possibilities we had to work with and could not wait for the day of their session to arrive!
Here are some of the highlights from our time near the Historic Koester House:
Our next stop was at their home…the view from their deck was amazing, the landscaping was wonderful, and who could resist taking some pictures in the pretty wildflowers? BTW, in case you don’t notice, this family bleeds purple! True K-State fans through and through. 🙂
I am so thankful we worked the timeline in such a way that we were able to snag some pictures of Mr. A. with his super cool car. This was the first car he owned and has kept through the years! (I love nostalgic things like that!!!! Oh the stories, the memories, the experiences, the history, the character…deep sigh!)
Thank you, A Family, for the fun memories, cool stories, ongoing smiles, and overall experience of getting to work with you all!