T – Senior 2014

This Senior could not have timed his session any better!  🙂  They were hoping for a splash of Fall color in his pictures and ended up with a ton of colors from which to choose!  (It can be so hard to time a session for Fall color, you never know exactly when all the color will be at its peak…T hit it just right!)  Here are some of his pictures with awesome color!

I will never forget what happened during his session.  I had switched lenses and casually set the one I was not using on the chair in the above pictures.  I was ready for the chair and just grabbed it, pulling it toward the desired spot.  Upon doing so my lens went crashing to the asphalt…it was like slow motion as I watched it bounce end to end, back and forth on the hard surface.  This was one of my favorite lenses which has been used often!  As anyone with an interst in photography knows, lenses are not cheap…all I could do was look up and say, “God, please don’t let it be broken!!!”  I picked it up but did not want to look it over…didn’t want to know of any probable damage!  We went back to taking pictures and before long we were back in the car and preparing to head to another location.  It was then that I took a deep breath and began to check out the lens.  I was encouraged – the exterior didn’t show any dents or chips and the glass was normal – WOW!!!  I didn’t hear anything rattle on the inside as I moved it around.  So, I put it on the camera body, and took a few shots with it – AMAZING, simply AMAZING!  The thing did not show one ounce of damage!  Everything worked as it should!  I do not know HOW it survived that fall and those bounces but IT DID!  I looked up once again and thanked God for this miracle, for it was huge to me!  Months later, as I continue to use this lens, I am reminded of what it survived and am grateful all over again!

Now back to this awesome guy’s session – T plays the trumpet so it was fun to incorporate his instrument into some of his pictures.

While working around town we were watching the light for just the right time to stop by the Belleville Farm and Home Store to catch some pictures with the tractor out front.  It was kind of funny because we would have some cloud cover and start to head that way only to have the sun pop out, bold and bright, sending us a different direction.  It all worked out in the end but added some humor to our time together.  🙂

We also spent some time at a farm T’s family owns…loved hearing about the memories they have made out there over the years!  It was also fun to catch some pictures of T with his dog…I remember going into their store and seeing this dog when he was just a puppy!

Wishing T and many other Seniors out there God’s best as they head off to the next thing after graduation this May!

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