G – Graduated 2015

Time sure flies by!  Has it really been a year and a half since this young lady was in front of my camera?!?

The calendar says it is true…sigh…such a reminder to treasure the time we have with what is before us!  (It also highlights HOW LONG it has been since I have had time to blog!!!  So sorry about that!  I am enjoying the change of being able to do so now!  I have so many wonderful Senior images to share!!!)

After visiting with G, we developed a game plan into which we incorporated the backgrounds and items she desired in her pictures – one of my favorite parts of working with others!  There is just something special about brainstorming on behalf of a client, finding ways to make their pictures personal and meaningful that is very rewarding!

I was glad G was able to bring her puppy along…what a little cutie!

We stared G’s session at an old farmstead (which I LOVE) near Haddam!  There are so many nooks, looks, and lines to work with that I can bring clients here often and have their picture look completely different each time!  It was a great spot for G!

G’s interests are broad and her achievements are great, definitely worth commemorating!

These next few pics were so fun to take as we stopped here and there through Haddam!

When I saw how her outfit matched this car, how could we not stop and snap a few memories with it?

We wrapped up G’s session while observing a sweet sunset!

Thanks for trusting me with some of your Senior memories, G!

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