In keeping with the goal of updating my blog with Senior Portraits, here is another individual I had the privilege of working with the Summer of 2014. Hard to believe he will be wrapping up his first year of college this Spring!
Meet G – one who greatly enjoys the outdoors! You will see this reflected in his Summer and Fall Sessions!
Starting near Haddam and working in the surrounding area provided ideal spots to capture G in his element!
Hay bales and old, railroad fence posts were among the stops made en route to a pond. Yes, a pond…just for some fishing pictures since he enjoys fishing during the Summer months!
I am so glad we could lock in some memories of G’s favorite Summer pastime, along with his main focus in the Fall – hunting! Almost all of G’s Fall Session centered around his enjoyment of hunting! Such a fun session! It was a tad bit early in the season for full blown color, but we found a few pockets here and there that provided a little pop of the desired color!
The woods just seemed like an appropriate place to stop for some pictures since most of his hunting is done among all the trees!
I loved this unique addition to G’s pictures…a large buck he had taken a while back and had mounted!
I think I could have taken pictures all day of this guy, his gear, and his deer! 🙂
I loved every minute of working with G and his family!