C – 2016 Grad

I still have a few 2015 graduate sessions to share in my attempt to update my blog, but Graduation for this year’s Seniors is just around the corner!  I thought I would switch gears and focus on them since they are working hard to wrap up their last year of High School!

Up first is C!  Isn’t she lovely?

When she contacted me about her session, she had a lot of great ideas she was interested in capturing!  What you will see below is a mixture of our combined thoughts, props, and ideas!  Her session took place within the Haddam, KS area!

We had such a fun time together!  The weather was perfect and the lighting was beautiful!

A special picture with a picture.  🙂

A quick stop for some shots in the creek was so worth it – mud and all!

This girl has many interests, but she loved the idea of softball pictures in one of her favorite formals!  I really like how these pictures (and many more like them) turned out for her!

As cute as C is when she smiles, she also rocked the serious look!

There are too many favs with the flag to post…here are just a few!

We wrapped up her session with a few hat shots.

And because sometimes an item is held dear, it is added into the pictures as well!

Wishing you all the best as you live each day, walking steadily toward your future, C!

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